Twin Towers tightrope walker recalls daring feat 50 years later: 'Artistic crime of the century'

I was a little anxious on that first crossing because we never checked how strong the anchor point was on the other side," Petit tells The Post. "It wasn't great, to be honest, but it was good enough.
Audacious, dangerous and entirely illegal, Petit's wire walk was called the 'artistic crime of the century' and was years in the planning. Using covert surveillance and endless subterfuge, Petit managed to smuggle a huge amount of equipment up the 110 floors of the South Tower.
A lot has happened since that Wednesday morning 50 years ago, not least of which was the destruction of the Twin Towers in the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
"But all I could think about was the thousands of human lives, not the architectural devastation," he recalled.
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