Cleaning bathrooms can be a tiresome chore, but by adopting eco-friendly methods, it can be made more enjoyable and less daunting. The article outlines four simple steps: starting with the glass shower doors using heated vinegar, moving to the toilet by utilizing rubber gloves and a compostable sponge for thorough cleaning, and providing additional tips for brightening the bathtub. This approach not only focuses on effective cleaning but also ensures that harmful chemicals are avoided, benefitting both the user and the planet.
If cleaning a bathroom is a disgusting time suck for most, here are four eco-friendly steps that make it simpler, effective, and environmentally conscious.
First, tackle cloudy glass shower doors with heated vinegar in a spray bottle. It effortlessly reveals streak-free, gleaming glass windows.
For toilets, ditch the brush for rubber gloves and a compostable sponge, allowing for a more effective clean hidden caked grime.
Brightening a dingy bathtub involves just a few simple eco-friendly tools that will make the chore more pleasant, effective, and sustainable.