Mum-of-three with asthma paid thousands by London council over home that was making her ill'The council has compensated a mother for severe housing issues and poor treatment by her landlord.
Council: We didn't neglect man suffering pneumonia in unheated houseConcerns arise over potential neglect following the death of 78-year-old Michael Horn, found in poor living conditions.
Woman's face left smashed up after tripping over raised manhole in West WickhamDiane Inglis sustained injuries after tripping on a misaligned manhole cover, highlighting safety concerns for elderly residents.
'Appalling' building vandalism condemned by council leaderVandalism of Jewish community offices in Camden is condemned as a hate crime, prompting police investigation and council support for affected communities.
Lewisham residents' contact details published online for almost a year in data breachPersonal details of 156 residents, uploaded for 11 months, in a South London council's planning application website, were notified only after a public member flagged the issue.
Zippos Circus banned from returning to Wandsworth after 'completely unacceptable' damage to commonZippos Circus faced backlash for damaging Wandsworth Common, resulting in a ban and repair charges.