I Still Don't Know Why I Said YesThe article draws parallels between personal relationships and quantum entanglement, emphasizing how deep connections can form despite stark differences.
Keep an open mind on faster-than-light 'tachyons' as the source of quantum entanglementThe article explores the validity of off-the-cuff interpretations of special relativity in the context of entangled particles.
I Still Don't Know Why I Said YesThe article draws parallels between personal relationships and quantum entanglement, emphasizing how deep connections can form despite stark differences.
Keep an open mind on faster-than-light 'tachyons' as the source of quantum entanglementThe article explores the validity of off-the-cuff interpretations of special relativity in the context of entangled particles.
Physicists ease path to entanglement for quantum sensing - Harvard GazetteAdvances in quantum sensing, particularly spin squeezing, are improving the precision of measurements in quantum systems.
Viewers of Quantum Events Are Also Subject to UncertaintyQuantum properties like superposition and entanglement are relational and depend on the observer's frame of reference.
Physicists ease path to entanglement for quantum sensing - Harvard GazetteAdvances in quantum sensing, particularly spin squeezing, are improving the precision of measurements in quantum systems.
Viewers of Quantum Events Are Also Subject to UncertaintyQuantum properties like superposition and entanglement are relational and depend on the observer's frame of reference.
Third entangled endangered whale spotted in span of a week off East CoastThree endangered North Atlantic right whales have been spotted entangled in fishing gear, highlighting the critical risks they face as a species.
Endangered whales found entangled in rope off Massachusetts, and 1 is likely to dieTwo endangered North Atlantic right whales spotted entangled, with one juvenile likely to die from injuries, highlighting the need for improved protective measures.
A rescue crew tried to untangle a humpback in Newport Beach. The whale has not been spotted sinceA rescue mission was unsuccessful in freeing an entangled humpback whale, which now remains unseen and likely in distress.