'Our bowls club is a lifeline - but council's huge rent hike would force it to shut'The future of Rainham Bowls Club is uncertain due to a proposed rent increase, which might force its closure.
Sunset Park Senior Center Faces Closure After Rent SpikeUnited Senior Citizens of Sunset Park may face closure due to a proposed 70% rent increase after 50 years of service.
San Jose says mobile home park owner can't raise rent - San Jose SpotlightSan Jose mobile home park's rent increase proposal denied to protect low-income residents.
Social housing rents to rise as part of UK push to build affordable homesSocial housing rents will rise above inflation under a 10-year plan to boost affordable housing and support landlords.
Rent to go up - as councillor describes freeze as 'a disaster'Barnet Homes will increase rents by 2.7% to address funding shortfalls caused by previous rent reductions.
Harvard University Housing establishes new rents for 2025-2026 - Harvard GazetteHarvard University Housing plans a 5% rent increase for the 2025-2026 leasing season for renewing tenants.
San Jose says mobile home park owner can't raise rent - San Jose SpotlightSan Jose mobile home park's rent increase proposal denied to protect low-income residents.
Social housing rents to rise as part of UK push to build affordable homesSocial housing rents will rise above inflation under a 10-year plan to boost affordable housing and support landlords.
Rent to go up - as councillor describes freeze as 'a disaster'Barnet Homes will increase rents by 2.7% to address funding shortfalls caused by previous rent reductions.
Harvard University Housing establishes new rents for 2025-2026 - Harvard GazetteHarvard University Housing plans a 5% rent increase for the 2025-2026 leasing season for renewing tenants.
New Bob's Donuts on Polk Street Opens Friday, Just 300 Feet From the Old Bob's Donuts on Polk StreetBob's Donuts opens a new location after a significant rent hike, ensuring continued service in the community.
NYC renters face skyrocketing 'singles tax' as solo living gets pricier: report - QNSLiving alone in NYC incurs a 'singles tax' of $20,100 annually, nearly three times the national average.Rising rents in NYC disproportionately impact singles compared to those cohabiting.
VC-backed startup accused of gouging Los Angeles fire victims on rentBlueground US Inc. allegedly violated California's anti-gouging law by increasing rent over 50% post-fires, prompting a lawsuit from the city attorney.
Williamsburg comic store closing over rent hikeDesert Island is closing after 17 years due to a significant rent increase, highlighting challenges for local businesses in Williamsburg.
NYC renters face skyrocketing 'singles tax' as solo living gets pricier: report - QNSLiving alone in NYC incurs a 'singles tax' of $20,100 annually, nearly three times the national average.Rising rents in NYC disproportionately impact singles compared to those cohabiting.
VC-backed startup accused of gouging Los Angeles fire victims on rentBlueground US Inc. allegedly violated California's anti-gouging law by increasing rent over 50% post-fires, prompting a lawsuit from the city attorney.
Williamsburg comic store closing over rent hikeDesert Island is closing after 17 years due to a significant rent increase, highlighting challenges for local businesses in Williamsburg.
Views wanted on proposed rent hike for council tenants in HaveringHavering Council proposes a 2.7% rent increase for council tenants, emphasizing service improvement and inflation alignment.
Daycare closing with 10 days' notice, stranding parentsThe sudden closure of a daycare in Tavares due to rent hike leaves parents in distress seeking alternatives.
Campaign launched to save North London theatre group from eviction after hit with 42 percent rent riseThe Black Arts Production Theatre is facing eviction from the Bernie Grant Arts Centre due to a 42% rent increase, despite the group's long-standing relationship with the centre.
Chinatown's Guanghwa, the UK's only Chinese bookshop, could be forced to closeGuanghwa, the UK's only Chinese bookshop, faces closure due to rent hikes and seeks public support to save its community-centered services.
Theatre group appeals against evictionA north London theatre group faces eviction due to a 42% rent increase, sparking criticism and a petition for support.
Campaign launched to save North London theatre group from eviction after hit with 42 percent rent riseThe Black Arts Production Theatre is facing eviction from the Bernie Grant Arts Centre due to a 42% rent increase, despite the group's long-standing relationship with the centre.
Chinatown's Guanghwa, the UK's only Chinese bookshop, could be forced to closeGuanghwa, the UK's only Chinese bookshop, faces closure due to rent hikes and seeks public support to save its community-centered services.
Theatre group appeals against evictionA north London theatre group faces eviction due to a 42% rent increase, sparking criticism and a petition for support.
Beloved Williamsburg Comic Store Desert Island to CloseDesert Island comic store is closing after nearly two decades due to unsustainable rent increase and lack of a lease.
Toronto tenants fight rent increase, argue landlord is partially using it to cover redevelopment costs | CBC NewsTenants oppose an above-guideline rent increase linked to an environmental assessment they claim is irrelevant to their living conditions.
Am I Supposed To Pay Rent Again?Being in a personal relationship with a landlord complicates tenant rights and expectations regarding rent and legal notice.
AI Raising the Rent? San Francisco Could Be the First City to Ban the Practice | KQEDRent increase issues in San Francisco involving RealPage and large apartment companies.
London borough may have to send homeless to Scunthorpe as rents rocketRedbridge Council is relocating people from temporary accommodations due to soaring rents and a housing crisis, affecting those needing affordable homes.
AI Raising the Rent? San Francisco Could Be the First City to Ban the Practice | KQEDRent increase issues in San Francisco involving RealPage and large apartment companies.
London borough may have to send homeless to Scunthorpe as rents rocketRedbridge Council is relocating people from temporary accommodations due to soaring rents and a housing crisis, affecting those needing affordable homes.
A new limit on rent increases takes effect today. What to expectCalifornia's Tenant Protection Act limits annual rent increases to 8.9% in L.A. County, accounting for inflation and local cost of living changes.
Private museum showcasing Jewish history in Berlin at risk DW 07/28/2024The Mendelssohn-Remise in Berlin commemorates the notable Mendelssohn family's contributions to Germany's intellectual, economic, and cultural life, facing challenges due to rent increase and possible termination threats.
NYC's rent skyrockets over seven times faster than wages, widest gap in U.S.: Report - QNSHigh rental increase in NYC compared to wage growth.