Two years into the generative AI era, the technology has mainly yielded mediocre outputs rather than the expected advancements. While generative AI offers some efficiencies, such as rapid transcript processing, there's a pervasive sense of unpreparedness among legal professionals regarding its risks. The latest General Counsel Report indicates that 85% of in-house lawyers feel minimally readiness for generative AI's challenges. Furthermore, consensus on major risks is lacking, complicating the industry's capacity to adapt effectively amidst rapid AI developments.
And this goes double for the non-lawyers that in-house legal teams have to keep in line.
the latest General Counsel Report 2025 […] confirms that two years into this, in-house lawyers remain largely unprepared for the risks posed by generative AI.
AI is moving rapidly and users are working just as fast creating headaches.
the volume of queries people make of consumer-facing AI toys have skyrocketed with one firm reporting 32,000 hits in a week.