Council slated to approve updates to Water Forward Plan and to Austin Water's Conservation and Drought Contingency plans - Austin Monitor

"This plan needs to be adaptive to growth, drought and climate change for the future of our community," Roalson explained during the recent work session.
"We know that Austin is going to grow, but we don't know exactly where or when that growth will happen. We know that climate change is affecting our water supply, but we don't yet know the severity of climate change in our 100-year timestep that we will experience."
"This plan is founded first and foremost on conservation and reuse. ... Layered on top of that is stretching our water supplies through strategies of storage and developing new supplies beyond the Colorado River," Roalson said.
"The goal with Water Forward was to project changes in water demand, climate and streamflow, and then to model future supply needs and develop strategies for resiliency."
Read at Austin Monitor