The Best Beer You Can Pair With Crab Cakes - Tasting Table

This article discusses optimal beverage pairings for crab cakes, focusing on beers like gose and Berliner Weisse. Expert Chris Cusack highlights that these tart beers complement crab's rich flavors and particularly suit creamy sauces like remoulade. Traditional styles are preferred over fruited variations for a better match. The piece also recommends specific brands, such as Techno Viking and Leipziger Gose, enhancing the dining experience by harmonizing with the seafood's salty richness, leading to a balanced flavor profile in the meal.
Lagers or Pilsners are a natural pairing for crab cakes, but for an exciting change of pace, I would recommend a gose or a Berliner Weisse.
The tart and sour notes found in beers like a gose will help balance out the salty, rich flavors of seafood, including crab meat.
I would particularly recommend the more traditional styles to the fruited options.
Both remoulade and tartar sauce are creamy and tangy, so each beer will match and cut through those flavors for a balanced meal.
Read at Tasting Table