What Type Of Beer You're Actually Drinking In A Sol - Tasting Table

Sol beer, a popular Mexican lager, is celebrated for its light body and sweet flavor, which contrast with Corona's citrus notes. Owned by Heineken N.V., plans are in place to reduce the beer's ABV from 4.5% to 3.4%, significantly enhancing its drinkability. The beer's production is primarily based in Monterrey, Mexico, but it is also brewed in international locations like the Netherlands, where solar power is used—connecting perfectly with its sunny branding. Sol's sweet and delicate tastes are rooted in traditional ingredients, making it ideal for festive occasions like Cinco de Mayo.
The sweetness of Sol is the sharpest contrast against its main rival Corona's citrus-driven twang, making it a distinct choice among Mexican beers.
Heineken N.V. plans to cut Sol's ABV from 4.5% to 3.4%, a change that might attract groans from loyal customers but ultimately enhances drinkability.
Sol's current production happens across various international breweries, with a key production facility in the Netherlands utilizing solar power—fitting for a beer that epitomizes sunshine.
Despite its international production, Sol remains a primarily Mexican export, drawing from its roots at the Mexican mega-brewery Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma.
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