The altercation between your brother and Barry must have been a doozy for him to have lost his job. You mentioned that you have been in prior abusive relationships, which tells me your man-picker may be somewhat skewed. Barry may have anger management issues that need to be addressed. Like it or not, your brother is right that Barry could be dangerous. The altercation may have been between them, but what's to prevent your boyfriend's volatile temper from erupting on you? Your relationship with Barry could be hazardous to your health, which is why I am urging you to move on and find someone more stable.
I think it'd be helpful for her to find a part-time job. I have suggested it, but then she becomes upset, feeling I am not supportive of her retirement. It's a delicate balance. I want her to be happy and fulfilled, but at the same time, I'm concerned about our financial situation and her spending habits when boredom sets in.