My Daughter's Nightly Routine for the Past Year Is Breaking My Heart

It's hard to cope with the loss of a friend at just about any age. Your daughter is no longer in the 'a friend is any kid in front of me' phase of toddlerhood and is old enough to understand someone's absence from her life. Helping her express sad feelings is crucial.
Help her find outlets for her sad feelings. Maybe there is a special stuffy she can squeeze, or perhaps she'd like to send a prayer or wish to Jill. Sharing personal childhood stories of drifting friendships might also comfort her.
You could also try keeping a journal of the circumstances when Jill's name comes up. Documenting her feelings could help identify patterns in her emotions, such as when her sadness is triggered.
Understanding that some friendships aren't forever, but that's OK, is important for children. Providing a supportive space to explore her emotions can aid her adjustment to the loss.
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