He stole from mourners visiting gravesites and ran up their credit cards, D.A. says

David Bassett targeted mourners at cemeteries in Southern California, stealing belongings from their vehicles over a year-long period. The despicable nature of his crimes drew harsh criticism from the district attorney, highlighting the vulnerability of those grieving the loss of loved ones. Bassett, a resident of Rancho Cucamonga, used stolen credit cards for personal gain and has since pleaded no contest, resulting in a four-year prison sentence. A hearing is planned to address restitution for the victims affected by his actions.
The actions of this individual are despicable. Preying on people in their most vulnerable moments - while they're mourning and paying their respects - is beyond reprehensible.
Let this be a warning: If you exploit the grief of others for personal gain, you will be caught, and you will be prosecuted.
A restitution hearing to determine the amount of compensation money he must pay to victims is scheduled for March 28.
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