Instant coffee, often dismissed as subpar, is embraced by 54% of the UK population, making the country the leading consumer worldwide. This choice highlights a societal tendency towards quick caffeine fixes amid overwhelming daily life. The article suggests that taste is less of a concern than the urgency to stimulate oneself; drinking traditional coffee is seen as a time-consuming ritual that many find unnecessary. Younger generations are consuming less overall, yet continue to favor instant coffee for its convenience.
Instant coffee is the fuel of the nation. Which nation? One that hates itself? I'm specifically referring to the UK, so the answer to your question is yes.
The UK is apparently the instant-coffee capital of the world, with a whopping 54% of us choosing to drink it over traditional coffee, compared with a measly 39% in the rest of the world.
People don't drink coffee for the way it tastes. They drink coffee because their lives are simultaneously boring and overwhelming, and the only way they can get through it is to stimulate themselves with caffeine.
It makes more sense to get it over with as quickly as possible by pouring boiling water on to some granules, rather than watching the stuff drip into a mug over the course of several minutes.