How To Make Pizza-Flavored Popcorn For The Ultimate Movie Night Snack - Tasting Table

One way to upgrade the treat is to mix anchovies and garlic into popcorn butter. But if that sounds a little fishy and maybe too flavorful, another idea is to make pizza-flavored popcorn as your next ultimate movie night snack.
First, cook some pepperoni in a saucepan or frying pan to render its oils and fats. Reserve that fat to pop your popcorn with. This will give your popcorn an immediate pepperoni flavor.
After you have your meat-flavored popcorn ready, it's time to put together a pizza seasoning mix, and it can be as simple as mixing grated parmesan with garlic powder, paprika, and herbs like oregano or dried basil.
Let all different types of pizzas, like clam pizza, inspire your next movie night popcorn. Understandably, not everyone is into a pizza loaded with pepperoni or sausage.
Read at Tasting Table