If you get a pay bump, save it, don't spend it. Some people who earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year find themselves living paycheck to paycheck. That can happen when people think a higher income means they have to live a lifestyle that matches it. If you're making more money, your savings rate should also increase. Adjust how much you save based on what you earn.
Pay attention to unit prices when shopping for groceries. It can help you find the best deal. If the regular box has a lower price per ounce than the bulk pack, it's a better deal.
Remind your kids that they don't need to be perfect. A recent Gallup poll found that about one in three Gen Zers struggle with perfectionism. Make sure they hear from you, their parent, that it's OK to make mistakes.
You build muscle strength quickly, so add on some pounds at each weightlifting session. If you're getting into a new weightlifting routine, add two and a half to five pounds to each of your lifts at each session.