Jose Alejandro Delacruz, 26, was found guilty of attempted murder and assault with a firearm after a street shooting in San Rafael that left a 32-year-old man partially paralyzed. The shooting occurred on January 23, 2021, and was preceded by a history of conflict between the two men. Prosecutors stated Delacruz shot the victim after calling him a snitch, resulting in significant injuries that damaged the victim's spine. The victim expressed forgiveness during the trial, while the defense contested the intent to kill. Sentencing is scheduled for May 13.
It’s sad that young people are walking around on the streets of San Rafael with guns, Rankin said after the verdict. It’s a dangerous situation. Bad things inevitably happen.
Seo told jurors the victim was walking home with groceries when he encountered Delacruz near the corner of Canal and Novato streets.
While no verdict can undo the irreparable harm caused, we hope this brings some measure of closure to the victim and his family, prosecutor Sun Seo said.
During his testimony, the victim said he forgave Alejandro Delacruz. I think we all make mistakes, he said. It's not my job to judge him.