Historic Oakland 'Walk of Fame' plaques totaling $150K stolen from sidewalk

Recently, nearly half of the plaques from Oakland's 'Walk of Fame', dedicated to iconic musicians, were stolen, leading to a significant loss for the local music community. The plaques, valued at around $150,000, honor artists who performed in West Oakland, an area historically significant for its vibrant music scene. Nonprofit leader Ronnie Stewart lamented the theft, which he believes was motivated by the valuable brass material. Despite notifying local authorities, the police report remains incomplete, leaving the details of the theft unclear.
The loss is just too hurtful, the thieves pulled them out of the ground and probably sold them to a scrap metal recycle plant.
It's unclear exactly when and how they were stolen, but... I discovered the extent of the theft with each missing plaque costing approximately $1,120.
The Music They Played on 7th Street Oakland Walk of Fame... includes more than 80 brass plaques dedicated to blues and other musicians.
Read at SFGATE