A vacation rental booked through Vrbo turned into an unsafe experience due to mold and broken tiles, leading to health issues for the guest's family. Despite contacting the host who offered inadequate solutions, Vrbo intervened, paying for hotel accommodations and promising a refund. However, the guest faced difficulty in communicating with Vrbo for the promised refund. The Travel Troubleshooter emphasized the responsibility of Vrbo to maintain safety standards on its platform and the power it holds over the rental hosts.
After you showed Vrbo the pictures, it agreed with you and paid for a hotel room. Vrbo has a Book with Confidence Guarantee that says it will take care of you when your rental is unsafe.
I've seen many cases like this, where it appears Vrbo is trying to nudge an owner into giving a refund. Vrbo would tell you that it's just a platform, an intermediary between you and the owner, but it actually has a lot more power.