Kale pakoras and Keralan fried chicken: Khushbu Shah's Indian-American recipes

The story of Indian food in America is in many ways the story of my family. I am the proud child of immigrants... Indian-American food is some of the most exciting and accessible Indian cooking out there.
Keralan fried chicken has a pleasant, mild heat, so it won't blow your tongue off, and it's spiffed up with fresh coriander and mint, and crowned with crisp curry leaves.
If you are vegetarian or don't want to eat fried chicken, the same marinade works well with cauliflower, paneer and oyster mushrooms after all, there's no reason KFC can't stand for Keralan fried cauliflower, too.
This cuisine is shaped by waves of immigration, resourceful home cooks and generations determined to preserve their heritage while creating new traditions that honour their adopted homeland along the way.
Read at www.theguardian.com