Baking sourdough bread is an enjoyable yet challenging process, especially for beginners. Starting with a sourdough starter can take between one to two weeks, requiring patience. The author shares beginner tips including using a mixer, selecting seasoning blends, and effectively feeding the starter to develop its strength naturally. Additionally, they emphasize using the starter discard in other recipes to avoid waste. Overall, this homemade baking experience not only saves money but also serves as a therapeutic stress relief activity.
Baking my own bread has been a great way to save money - I don't have to drop $5 or more on a nice loaf at the store.
It can take between one and two weeks for a new sourdough starter to become strong enough to use in a recipe. Luckily, the actual process of making one is pretty easy.
Be patient with your starter. It can take between one and two weeks for a new sourdough starter to become strong enough to use in a recipe.
While feeding your starter, use the discard for other recipes.