The Best Way To Dress Salmon? Use A Sauce With Deeper Fish Flavor - Tasting Table

Salmon is a popular fish in America prized for its delicate texture and nutritional value. Despite its strong flavor, it can be complemented by acidic or spicy seasonings. Fish sauce, a fermented salty condiment, offers umami and saltiness that deepens the savory profile of salmon dishes. Just a few tablespoons can transform marinades and sauces, with fish sauce serving as a versatile ingredient not just for salmon but also enhancing dishes like gazpacho, burgers, and stews. Adding it in moderation can elevate the flavors significantly.
Fish sauce is a flavoring agent that packs a powerful punch, so a little bit goes a long way. A few tablespoons is all it takes to infuse sauces with that savory je ne sais quoi that'll upgrade your salmon recipe.
Comparable to Worcestershire sauce - another fermented fish sauce - fish sauce has also been used creatively to upgrade the savoriness of dishes like gazpacho, burgers, and stews.
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