Gen Z Women Are Sharing Their Thoughts On Young Men Becoming More Conservative

From the outside view, straight white males get the worst deal in current society. Those guys can't win. They are told that they're all 100% racist, misogynistic, and transphobic.
There's no aton or path to salvation for them. The world is saying they're the boogeymen, and we like to keep them that way. Is it any wonder that they're turning toward a side that doesn't want to keep them as a permanent fall guy?
The men and boys in our lives are struggling, and the right-wing seems to be the only team willing to engage them as thinking people. I know lifelong Democrats who are new Trump voters because of the alienation and general derision they see.
Even the most compassionate man can do the cold math and change his vote when their party and the base demonize them at every opportunity.
Read at BuzzFeed