French strike hits cross-Channel ferry crossings

On February 27, workers at the Port of Calais staged a one-day strike, dubbed 'port mort', impacting cross-Channel ferry crossings and freight traffic. The CGT union justified the action due to concerns over pension reforms that affect retirement provisions for dock workers, currently allowing earlier retirement due to hardship. The strike commenced at midnight and is expected to disrupt services until 6 pm, with local authorities warning of traffic congestions on the A16. Travelers are advised to adjust their plans accordingly and check with ferry companies about their bookings.
"We are calling for the resumption of negotiations on the adjustments promised by the President prior to the pension reform. Currently port workers can retire four years earlier than the national age limit on grounds of hardship. We want this scheme to be extended, and we're calling for a fifth year," said union representative Aurélien Delcloy.
The action is expected to hit both freight traffic and ferry departures to England, and passengers are advised to postpone their trip if possible.
Local authorities in northern France are also warning of traffic jams on the A16 as a result of congestion at the port.
Members of the CGT union have declared a 'port mort' (dead port) action and will be staging blockades.
Read at The Local France