The Prime Minister's speech emphasized the crucial role of artificial intelligence in shaping Britain's economic future, acknowledging the need for tech-driven reforms. However, the article highlights that the UK lags in digitization compared to its developed peers, necessitating comprehensive digital transformation. Managed IT services, worth $17 billion and growing annually, are positioned as a solution to bridge the skills gap and boost operational efficiencies by potentially reducing IT costs by 25% and operational costs by 65%. The managed services sector's growth is essential for improving productivity and fostering innovation across different sectors.
The Prime Minister's recent speech about artificial intelligence (AI) was a welcome acknowledgement of the importance of technology to the future of Britain's economy.
To overcome this barrier, the UK must turn to managed IT services. The sector has the talent and technology to digitally transform the public and private sectors, at speed.
With the right managed IT services partner, public- and private-sector organisations can cut IT costs by up to 25% and cut operational costs by up to 65%.
The IT managed services sector in the UK is already worth US$17bn. And it's growing by 13% a year.