According to Google-owned security provider Mandiant, the vulnerability has been actively exploited against "multiple compromised Ivanti Connect Secure appliances" since December, a month before the then zero-day came to light. After exploiting the vulnerability, the attackers go on to install two never-before-seen malware packages, tracked under the names DRYHOOK and PHASEJAM on some of the compromised devices.
PHASEJAM is a well-written and multifaceted bash shell script. It first installs a web shell that gives the remote hackers privileged control of devices. It then injects a function into the Connect Secure update mechanism that’s intended to simulate the upgrading process.
If the ICS administrator attempts an upgrade, the function displays a visually convincing upgrade process that shows each of the steps along with various numbers of dots to mimic a running process." Mandiant said.
PHASEJAM injects a malicious function into the /home/perl/ file named processUpgradeDisplay(). The functionality is intended to simulate an upgrading process that involves 13 steps, with each of those taking a predefined amount of time.