The One Label You Can Ignore When Shopping For High-Quality Steak - Tasting Table

Pat LaFrieda, a seasoned butcher, argues against the popularity of grass-fed beef, claiming it lacks the marbling necessary for tenderness and flavor. He emphasizes the importance of selecting well-marbled cuts of meat, indicating that darker colors can signal older animals, which produce tougher meat. Furthermore, he addresses misconceptions about the environmental benefits of grass-fed beef and suggests that consumers should focus on finding quality steaks at the butcher or meat counter, stressing that odorless meat is preferred except for dry-aged varieties.
Grass-fed beef is not my go-to. It doesn't have the marbling that makes beef juicy and flavorful, and it rarely has the quality expected.
When shopping for quality meat, look for well-marbled steak. Dark red or purplish meat indicates toughness from older animals, which you want to avoid.
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