The Science Museum's 'Seeing Things Queerly' tour sparked controversy by analyzing gendered language in Lego descriptions as an example of heteronormative bias. Aspects such as branding Lego bricks with gendered terms illustrate broader cultural implications of language. While media outlets labeled the discussion as 'anti-LGBT,' the museum did not use such phrases and aimed to promote awareness of how societal norms influence language in science and technology. Responses from figures like Elon Musk added further fuel to the fire, indicating how divisive the conversation about gender and language remains.
The section on Lego reads: "Like other connectors and fasteners, Lego bricks are often described in a gendered way... This is an example of applying heteronormative language to topics unrelated to gender, sex and reproduction..."
The Lego comments form part of the museum's Seeing Things Queerly tour and illustrate how heteronormativity shapes the way we speak about technology and the world in general.