You Have To Change How You Think About Free Speech

In a world where free speech is constantly tested, understanding the nuances of fearless speech is vital. Mary Anne Franks elucidates how fearlessness plays a crucial role in genuine discourse.
Franks emphasizes the need for clearer communication in academia, stating, 'Our goal should be to educate and dismantle misconceptions, particularly regarding the evolution of the First Amendment and our rights relating to speech.'
She argues that many misunderstand the term censorship, with some members of Congress misapplying it, saying, 'We need a new framework to truly grasp what censorship means, particularly in today’s politically charged environment.'
The concept of 'fearless speech,' as Franks describes it, isn't just about protection; it's about promoting discourse that challenges convention, focusing on the difference between merely defending speech and actively fostering challenging conversations.
Read at Above the Law