In a video call with Voto Latino, President Biden remarked, "The only garbage I see floating out there is his supporters - his demonization of Latinos is unconscionable, and it's un-American." This comment sparked backlash and comparisons to Hillary Clinton's 2016 "basket of deplorables" remark.
Biden's spokesperson claimed that the president was referring specifically to the comedian's words, highlighting a need to clarify the context of the comment. However, the backlash remained intense, with Trump allies quickly capitalizing on the situation.
Trump's running mate J.D. Vance described Biden's statement as "disgusting," indicating that it represents an attack on a large portion of the American populace, further escalating the political tension.
The Trump camp wasted no time in using Biden's words for fundraising, sending out a message proclaiming, "You are not garbage! I love you! You are the best our nation has to offer," aiming to galvanize their base in response.