Discussing the deal with CBS News, David Schwartz, a New York-based criminal defense attorney, said, 'One thing for certain, he will be getting a lot less of a harsh sentence by pleading guilty right now, by accepting responsibility and being remorseful, than he would have if he went to trial.'
Former Rep. Peter King (R-NY) told the aforementioned news outlet, 'Certainly, it's not in the public's benefit to go through that whole charade. To me, the sooner he's gone, the better.'
Jodi Kass Finkel, who led the group Concerned Citizens of NY-03 (Santos' former congressional district) to oust Santos from the House, said, 'He shouldn't get a plea deal.' In a statement released Sunday, the group said, '[The public] demands a full trial to reveal the extent of Mr. Santos's crimes against NY-03.'