New York Times editorial board declares Trump unfit to lead'

A once great political party now serves the interests of one man, a man as demonstrably unsuited for the office of president as any to run in the long history of the republic, a man whose values, temperament, ideas and language are directly opposed to so much of what has made this country great.
Many voters, the Times argued, were frustrated, even despondent. On Thursday, a new survey from the Washington Post, ABC News and Ipsos said 67% of US adults (and 58% of Democrats) wanted Biden to step aside, while 50% of US adults (but only 11% of Republicans) said the same about Trump.
Saluting Republicans that it said pursued electoral power in service to solutions for such problems, such as Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, John McCain and Mitt Romney, the Times board went on to say that too many Republicans set aside their concerns about Mr Trump because of his positions on immigration, trade and taxes.
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