We Are Cooked': Senate Democrat Agrees With Jesse Watters's Assessment of How Right-Wing Media Is Schooling the Left

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) voiced concerns about the Democratic Party's outdated media strategies, agreeing with Fox host Jesse Watters. Watters criticized Democrats for using '90s tactics while Republicans utilize modern grassroots approaches to disseminate information rapidly via social media. Both emphasized the need for Democrats to develop a robust communication infrastructure to remain competitive in the 21st-century information warfare landscape. Murphy's remarks reflect a growing urgency among Democrats to rethink their political communication in light of changing media dynamics, particularly following Trump's reelection.
We are waging a 21st-century information warfare campaign against the left and they are using tactics from the 1990s. They are... screaming into the ether on MSNBC.
What you're seeing on the right is asymmetrical. It's like grassroots guerrilla warfare... millions of people have seen it. It's free money.
Until the left builds an infrastructure to confront this reality and stops acting like political communication is still just buying millions of TV and digital ads every two years, we are cooked.
Murphy has emerged as one of the more prominent voices urging his party to shift tactics since President Donald Trump's reelection.
Read at www.mediaite.com