33 of the smallest, cutest frogs you've ever seen have been born at London Zoo

Darwin's frogs exhibit a unique parental care strategy where fathers carry tadpoles in their vocal sacs. However, the arrival of a deadly chytrid fungus in their habitat has led to a drastic decline in their population by 90%. Conservationists initiated a rescue mission to bring eleven father frogs to London Zoo to safeguard the species. The fathers continued to carry the young until they metamorphosed, marking a significant achievement in conservation efforts for these unique amphibians. The journey and its importance are documented in a film titled "A Leap of Hope."
The young Darwin's frogs are just millimetres long, and have a unique survival strategy. When they are tadpoles, their fathers carry them inside their vocal sacs for safety.
Eight father frogs along with their carried tadpoles have now safely arrived at London Zoo, marking a landmark accomplishment in the efforts to safeguard the species.
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