The usual rhythm of arrivals and departures at Paris's train stations was replaced by a tense atmosphere of uncertainty on Friday. Hundreds of stranded passengers crowded the concourses, sorting out their plans after several arson attacks disrupted the rail system in France.
At the Gare Montparnasse, travelers hunched over their phones looking for alternate routes out of the French capital. Children waited atop makeshift seats of suitcases. A slew of announcements played over the loudspeaker system. The words act of malice and vandalism echoed throughout the hall, doing little to quell the anxiety among travelers.
Some people at the Gare Montparnasse found their way to the rental car kiosks only to confront long lines of others who had the same idea.
A delayed train from Le Mans, in northwestern France, caused Oceane Godemer and her friends to miss their original train to London. They got us on the next train for free, and it's running as usual, so that's OK, she said as her friends finished eating breakfast.