"This new facility demonstrates the agency's strong, enduring commitment to prioritizing a healthy, prepared and resilient public safety agency, emphasizing firefighter health, training and operational readiness," said County Fire Chief Suwanna Kerdkaew.
The new station includes three additional dormitories to house firefighters, a lookout tower for firefighters to spot vegetation fires and an increased capacity to accommodate more fire engines and utility vehicles, officials with the department said at the grand opening on Oct. 30.
Kerdkaew's description of the former station was met with laughter from firefighters at the grand opening. The station 'went from being two very outdated, quaint modular buildings, which is a nice way to say it, to the modern two-story building you see today.'
Located in Redwood Estates off Highway 17, the station will serve residents of that and other unincorporated communities, including Chemeketa Park and Lexington Hills, providing a service to an area where fire safety has long been a concern.