In 2025, marketers are poised to assert their influence within organizations amidst a backdrop of uncertainty and budget scrutiny. A forthcoming Google study reveals a disconnect between marketing and finance on the perceived effectiveness and impact of marketing efforts. Key behaviors for effective marketing include establishing agreed-upon measurement goals, recognizing the broader business context, and avoiding the perception of marketing as merely a cost center. As industry leaders call for clarity and alignment on metrics, 2025 becomes critical for marketing to demonstrate its role as a driver of business growth.
This should be the starting point of any measurement strategy - to ensure the right data, metrics and tools are in place to prove the effectiveness of the marketing investment, while taking account of everything else happening in a world that doesn't stand still, says Sarah Stallwood, head of analytics at Omnicom Media Group UK. Once you understand these dynamics, how can you use them as levers to make a difference? What is the 'so what' of the insights?
While some forecasts paint a cautious picture of marketing budgets - Gartner has called it 'anaemic', while the IPA remains optimistic - one thing's clear: marketers can't afford to be seen as a cost center. 2025 is the year to prove that marketing can be a growth engine.