After Netflix Success, Suits' Opens Another Firm

The revival of interest in the legal drama Suits occurred after its move to Netflix in mid-2023, setting unprecedented streaming records. Initially, the show garnered moderate success on USA Network from 2011 to 2019, with reviews that were not particularly favorable. Despite this, it retained a charm characterized by its witty dialogue and attractive cast. As audiences sought lighter content during tough times, Suits provided an entertaining escape, becoming the 'nice lawyer show' America needed, showcasing the engaging dynamics among its characters and high-stakes courtroom dramas.
On a January morning, attractive people in tailored attire stood in a sun-skimmed California courtroom, arguing a motion in the murder trial.
The original Suits had done well on USA during its run... but its hold on the cultural imagination was never especially strong and its reviews were muted.
But when Suits moved to Netflix in mid 2023, it set a record for the most total weeks and the most consecutive weeks at the top of the Nielsen streaming ratings.
Suits was the nice lawyer show an exhausted America needed.
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