The article discusses Transient Ischemic Attacks (TIAs), emphasizing their urgency as medical emergencies characterized by symptoms like slurred speech. Immediate action is crucial because the risk of subsequent strokes can be significantly reduced through targeted treatments. Experts like Amin and Goldstein highlight the importance of medical evaluations, including brain scans and heart function screenings. They stress that managing conditions such as artery plaque, hypertension, and diabetes can lower the likelihood of a future stroke, ultimately preventing life-altering consequences or death.
Folks may experience difficulty producing speech or finding the right words, Amin said. Words may come out slurred or jumbled, to the surprise of the speaker and their loved ones.
A TIA is an emergency, and anyone who experiences it should get medical attention right away. The good news is that 'the risk of having a stroke can be decreased dramatically with targeted treatment,' explained Goldstein.
Doctors can run scans of the brain and blood vessels, evaluate heart function, and screen for cardiovascular risk factors that increase the risk of stroke, according to Amin.
Treating conditions like plaque in the arteries, heart arrhythmias, hypertension, diabetes and others can dramatically lower the risk of a future stroke, which could lead to significant disability or even death.
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