Leigh Cowart, in her book 'Hurts So Good: The Science and Culture of Pain on Purpose,' explores the concept of masochism as a spectrum. She highlights that individuals can pursue intentionally painful experiences, ranging from extreme sports to art forms that cause physical strain. Cowart references a 2023 study by Karolina Dyduch-Hazar that introduces the concept of benign masochism, where people find enjoyment in typically unpleasant activities that lead to pleasure, such as reading darker literature or engaging with grotesque media.
In her book Hurts So Good, Leigh Cowart explores how benign masochism encompasses a variety of behaviors where individuals intentionally seek enjoyment from typically unpleasant experiences.
Karolina Dyduch-Hazar defines benign masochism as the enjoyment derived from experiences that are initially perceived as negative but soon transition into feelings of pleasure.