The article discusses how humans naturally prioritize safety and self-preservation over risk-taking, which can impede courageous actions. Dr. Margie Warrell asserts that modern digital environments amplify anxiety, distracting individuals from pursuing goals. The shift from physical threats in prehistoric times to contemporary digital fears has led to a society overwhelmed by constant news and social media influence. Warrell notes that this anxiety affects societal behaviors, including voting and consumer choices, revealing the detrimental influence of a 'digital fear economy.'
If you feel like you lack courage, it's not due to a personal fault. Protecting your physical and emotional personal well-being is an innate drive that can override your goals.
Our instinct for self-preservation in the short term has always been strong.
Anxiety is higher than it's ever been...The algorithms are wired to fuel a sense of insecurity.
When people feel less secure, it impacts who they vote for and what they buy.