A 34-Year-Old Mom Just Gave The Best Example As To Why Young People Aren't Having Kids

Childcare costs in the United States have risen to alarming levels, with many families devoting a substantial percentage of their income to this essential service. A recent report highlighted that childcare expenses often exceed rent for the average household, leading to severe financial strain. Content creator Paige Connell emphasized this struggle in a video, pointing out that families with multiple children can spend upwards of $60,000 annually on childcare alone. Current averages indicate that parents allocate 22% of their income and deplete one-third of their savings on childcare, far surpassing the government’s affordable benchmark of 7%.
When somebody tells you they can't afford to have children, this is what they're talking about.
A woman in my town's Facebook group shared these daycare rates today, and she said, 'How do you afford kids here?' because nobody knows how anybody is paying for this.
These are rates for one kid. We are talking about one child. Imagine a family that has two kids.
For context, the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) deems 7% of family income as the benchmark for affordable childcare.
Read at BuzzFeed