Endangered whales found entangled in rope off Massachusetts, and 1 is likely to die

The entanglement of the two whales illustrates the need for new safeguards to protect the animals, said Gib Brogan, campaign director at Oceana. Environmentalists have pushed for new restrictions on commercial fishing and shipping to try to protect the whales.
The juvenile whale, with a thick line across its head and back, is likely to succumb to its injuries, indicating the dire consequences of human activities impacting marine life.
Although researchers reported a slight 4% increase in the North Atlantic right whale population, the overall decline of about 25% from 2010 to 2020 highlights their ongoing struggle against extinction.
NOAA stated that it will work with trained experts to monitor the entangled whales for possible entanglement responses, showcasing the urgency in preserving these endangered creatures.
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