Google Related Places Carousel Map

Google's new 'Related places' map unit has raised concerns among brands, as it displays competitors alongside specific brand name searches. This feature was highlighted by Brodie Clark, who expressed that it could diminish brand visibility and loyalty. The carousel appears beneath the map on desktop searches, while a less visible version is on mobile, raising questions about its impact on brand perception. Many users may prefer seeing results solely focused on the brand they are searching for, rather than related competitors.
This new 'Related places' map unit by Google could undermine brand loyalty by displaying competitors during brand name searches.
Brodie Clark notes concerns about visibility for competitors in this test, highlighting that it may not serve brand interests.
The feature is currently more prominent on desktop than mobile, raising questions about its implications for businesses.
Many users may prefer direct brand-focused results instead of seeing competitors during their searches, as indicated in the discussion.
Read at Search Engine Roundtable