How the Squid Game Dubbing Team Translates Terror

Dubbing is increasingly crucial for Netflix as it expands its global audience. Voice actor Greg Chun likened dubbing to karaoke, highlighting the pressure actors face performing unfamiliar scripts in a recording booth. Netflix aims to make its programming accessible in up to 36 languages, as stated by John DeMita, Senior Manager of English Dubbing Language. This initiative reflects Netflix's overarching strategy to share compelling stories with a diverse global audience, catering to various viewing preferences through quality dubbing, subtitles, and audio descriptions.
Dubbing is like karaoke, where actors perform with a script they see for the first time while recording the dialogue in a different language.
Netflix is translating content into 36 languages to ensure that all stories are accessible to viewers around the world, enhancing global reach.
John DeMita stated, "We know that great stories come from everywhere, and we want them to reach everyone" by offering quality dubbing and subtitles.
Dubbing adds pressure, but it's essential for Netflix's strategy to make programming accessible and enjoyable for diverse audiences.
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