The article reflects on the author's personal journey with Snapple beverages, detailing a nostalgic taste test of the brand's flavors. Despite the fond memories of Snapple's ubiquity in the 1990s, the author found the apple flavor artificial and the fruit punch overly sweet. In contrast, they enjoyed the lemonade varieties, which emerged as top choices in their rankings. This exploration highlights the impact of local pride in Snapple's legacy and the author's curiosity about their current flavors after a long hiatus from sugary drinks.
Snapple's apple flavor tasted artificial, and the fruit punch was too sweet. However, I really enjoyed most of the lemonade varieties.
In the mid-90s, Snapple was a point of local pride, especially for those growing up near its former headquarters in Long Island, New York.
Curiosity led me to taste test all flavors of Snapple I could find in supermarkets, ranking them from least favorite to top pick.
My childhood memories of Snapple prompted a nostalgic review of its flavors after years of mostly avoiding sugary drinks.