The dilemma posed by a condo owner about how to split expenses with her boyfriend centers on the implications of her owning property versus renting. While many argue it’s unfair for him to pay her mortgage as he isn't building equity, the essence of sharing costs in a relationship involves open dialogue. Options include determining a fair market rent and splitting costs or deciding on a lower payment that recognizes her existing equity in the property. Communication is key to finding a mutually agreeable solution that respects both partners' financial situations.
If you're going to stay in your place and your partner wants to pay their own way, then you have two choices.
Many of your letter writers feel that it's unfair for the person moving in to pay for the mortgage when they don't have ownership and aren't building equity.
If he pays fair market rent, I would make money, but it seems that I will also make money if he pays anything at all.
Both parties should discuss the options and freely agree on one.