The recent article about the San Jose animal shelter highlights what advocates have been saying for years: Shelter leadership is failing its mission. While overcapacity is a challenge, much of it stems from mismanagement. Shelter leadership cut vital rescue partnerships, failed to establish basic procedures, created a toxic work environment that led to high staff turnover, neglected inventory management and ignored medical oversight even as animals suffered.
Despite the dismal FY22-23 results, management doubled down on bad decisions. Whether out of hubris or incompetence, the outcome was the same - more suffering and deaths. Now, the same team is tasked with addressing 39 audit recommendations. This is unacceptable. I am outraged by the continued suffering of innocent animals.
We all benefit from less congestion on the roadways, from better air and water quality when people use mass transit instead of single rider vehicles to less stress caused by rush hour mania. The question on everyone's mind is what's in it for me, not how can we work together to help each other out.
#animal-welfare #public-management #transportation-policy #community-responsibility #volunteer-advocacy