The couple, Alex Houlden and Rachel Roustoby, expressed fear for their safety after receiving abusive notes and being openly attacked in public. Houlden described the escalation of harassment, stating, "It's just escalated and my partner's been getting approached in the street and told they don't 'agree with the lifestyle' of being gay and she's been spat at." This account highlights the alarming reality of living in fear due to homophobic sentiments in their community.
Roustoby shared her shock over the incidents, stating, "I've never experienced this kind of thing before. It just felt wrong and really horrifying." Her feelings underline the emotional toll such hatred can have on individuals who are simply trying to live their lives authentically.
Gavin Hoban from Yorkshire Housing emphasized the organization’s commitment to ensuring the couple's safety, saying, "The safety and wellbeing of our customers is our top priority, and we will not tolerate any behaviour like this." This shows an institutional response aimed at protecting vulnerable individuals in the face of rising hate crime.
North Yorkshire Police confirmed the incidents as hate crimes, stating, "We can confirm these incidents are being treated as a hate crime and we've been carrying out a number of lines of enquiry to identify who is responsible." This indicates a law enforcement recognition of the severity of the attacks and a commitment to addressing such hate against individuals.