Mom's viral videos perfectly nail the experience of having a nightmare mother-in-law

Shawna Lander, a social media star known as "Shawna the Mom," is gaining viral attention for her skits portraying her overbearing fictional mother-in-law, "Barb." Her videos reflect real struggles many mothers face, particularly concerning tricky family dynamics. Through the humorous portrayal of Barb, Lander provides connection and relatability to viewers, empowering them to establish boundaries. The popularity of the skits has also inspired conspiracy theories and merchandise, indicating their impact. Fans frequently express appreciation for Lander's work, noting how it helps them better understand their own family issues and enhances their experience of motherhood.
Lander adds, "It's really hard to become a mom. It's a tough transition, made that much tougher if you have a difficult family dynamic."
In Lander's latest viral episodes - in which no one showed up to Shawna's son's 5th birthday party - Barb scolded Shawna and preemptively cut the cake.
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