Invertebrates make up about 1.3 million species, showcasing incredible diversity from insects to jellyfish. The second Invertebrate of the Year competition invites global nominations for these essential yet often neglected creatures. Participants can highlight personal or scientific reasons for their choices, underlining the crucial roles that invertebrates play in ecosystems. Previous winners showcase this significance, as highlighted by last year's victory of the common earthworm. This competition calls for recognition and appreciation of invertebrates as critical components of Earth's health, despite their absence from human cultural focus.
Invertebrates, including 1.3 million species, are vital yet overlooked members of ecosystems, showcasing a diverse array of innovative and functional roles in our planet's health.
The Invertebrate of the Year competition invites nominations for these vital spineless species, highlighting their charm and importance despite being often neglected in human culture.
Though human society tends to overlook them, invertebrates are not only diverse but also possess unique traits, filling essential ecological niches that sustain life on Earth.
The inspiring journey of recognizing invertebrates culminated in last year’s election of the soil-making common earthworm as the celebrated winner, exemplifying their ecological significance.